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Connection problem

Pay attention to the connection between the scanner and the computer when the following conditions occur during the scanning process:

  • Scan for stuttering
  • Different color mosaic appears in the video window
  • The software pops up the following dialog box
  • Scanner is disconnected

The scanner is connected to the computer through the USB port. Connection problems usually occur in the following places:

  • Scanner handle tail;
  • At the scanner and connection box
  • Connection box and computer USB interface
  • The scanner wire itself

Follow these steps to troubleshoot the problem:

  • Check the connection stability between the black wire of the connection box and the computer/USB Hub;
  • Check whether the Type-C cable and the connection box are plugged to the end;
  • Check whether there is obvious shaking of the wire and whether the connection is affected after the threaded lock catch at the tail of the handle is locked;
  • Check the Type-C wire itself to see if there are damaged, twisted and knotted places on the outer skin, and check whether the wire affects the connection;

According to the above investigation, the point of connection problem can be determined, and the customer service personnel can be contacted for repair or replacement.